Re-Post from February 2012

This was from a blog post from Feb. 2012- a general blog I started in '09-and a few edits. I didn't keep it updated but I found this and………..well obviously since then we made our decision to homeschool. Interesting to see the process (in a small way) in blog form. I hope to blog regularly even with spelling, grammar, and typos (I am trying to not stress about it……obviously I'm not "writey"-homeschool humor.) Nick has been an "A" student, has never had an undesirable behavior and loves his elementary school. What I have witnessed and learned about Nick is that he has an extremely strong desire to learn........"I want to know everything" is a recurring statement in our home. I don't find this unusual because our oldest also had a strong desire to learn all the time but he never had the focus that the the middle one has. The 1st grader sits quietly and focused at school waiting for the other children to start a lesson, he never in...