
Showing posts from November, 2013

Homeschool 2.0

 We are in full-swing homeschool now! Noah started seat work and I am figuring out how to create a fun learning environment for both boys (at the same time). Noah has basically taught himself to read and I found that the phonics books were boring him after the summer. Nicholas has found a strong interest in coding and has taken some online intro classes- glad he is self teaching because I have no clue when it comes to coding.  Our seat work only takes 1.5-2 hrs/day,  both boys learn best while engaged in activities so we plan lots of learning fieldtrips, playdates, co-op, a few classes, continue to participate in cub scouts , ( but did change to a homeschool den) and experiment with science at home. We started the Marathon Kids challenge and plan to complete that marathon by February 2014. Here is our schedule as of November 2013 Parents schedule: Dad still works M-F and is away from the home from 7:30am-6pm. He is having fun taking the boys to their piano/g...