
Showing posts from 2014

New season. New schedule

     Our new schedule feels like it may be over-scheduled at this point of the year but I have learned over the last two years of homeschooling that we like to be out exploring with friends and I can always make adjustments as needed. Also since they are getting through curriculum quickly I don't feel the need to spend more time at the "classroom table".  Here is our 2014-15 tentative schedule:  5am- I will continue to go for a run 7am- kids are up by now playing 8am-breakfast 9am- In the classroom working on curriculum 12noon- lunch 1pm- quiet reading time/researching projects 1:30-5pm- usually an afternoon activity. (see below)  6pm-dinner 7pm- Free time 9pm-kids bedtime (we are currently reading The Little House books)  Weekly Schedule:  Monday - Morning - Once a month the boys are enrolled in  Austin Naure and Science Center  homeschool science class. A great way for the boys to spend learning t...


We love a good fieldtrip! Not only does it get us out of the house (which for me is necessary) it allows my boys to explore the city, museums, plays, new friends, new social settings, and best of all learn. Here are a few of the trips we have taken this past semester Fall 2013. Paramount Theater for  Marionetas de la Esquina, a puppet theater company from Mexico City. "Sleeping Beauty Dreams" Science Day at Bob Bullock Museum, we make several visits a year for the homeschool day and the IMAX nature movies.  Witt Museum off to SanAntonio we went in September for the Dino exhibit and  RenFest 2013! Our visit started really early and it rained most of the way it was soggy when we arrived and very humid! It ended up being a blast. The boys favorite event was the joust. This aligned with our The Story of the World Volume 2:Middle Ages history book.  A walk to the park on a autumn day. Exploring and talking about our local environment. ...