New season. New schedule
Our new schedule feels like it may be over-scheduled at this point of the year but I have learned over the last two years of homeschooling that we like to be out exploring with friends and I can always make adjustments as needed. Also since they are getting through curriculum quickly I don't feel the need to spend more time at the "classroom table".
Here is our 2014-15 tentative schedule:
5am- I will continue to go for a run
7am- kids are up by now playing
9am- In the classroom working on curriculum
12noon- lunch
1pm- quiet reading time/researching projects
1:30-5pm- usually an afternoon activity. (see below)
7pm- Free time
9pm-kids bedtime (we are currently reading The Little House books)
Weekly Schedule:
Monday-Morning- Once a month the boys are enrolled in Austin Naure and Science Center homeschool science class. A great way for the boys to spend learning time outside!
Afternoon Music Theory group class at Orpheus Academy of Music.
Tuesdays- Morning- Nicholas to Math Club, Noah to Globetrotters once a month.
Afternoon-Homeschool Cub Scouts 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Afternoon-Homeschool Cub Scouts 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
The 1st Tuesday is club, ATXDIY- was formed by one of our homeschool friends we met through co-op and we love making this a part of our learning fun.
Evening- Nicholas will start playing baseball through the YMCA. (Tuesday is a busy day)
Wednesday-Morning-We meet our Austin Families in Nature (AFiN) homeschool group. We just joined this group in the spring and enojy our time outside learning with the natural world.
Afternoon-Every other week Nicholas will participate in ANSC Science Experimenters Club.
Thursdays- Afternoon Northside Enrichment Group = Homeschool co-op. A great group of homeschoolers that work together to make learning in a group setting fun.
Fridays- Afternoon- back to Orpheus Academy of Music for a piano lesson for Nicholas and guitar lesson for Noah. We also try and make Friday a day we meet up with our friends at a local park- we have had many great adventures with our friends during the summer!
Saturday- Noah will play soccer this fall season.
Summer Recitals
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