2016-17 Homeschool Year

Last year was a whirl wind! We were busy, busy, busy.  Science Team and Boys Scouts took the top seat in our families crazy ride during the traditional school months 9/2016-5/17. 
The boys enjoyed making new friends at the weekly AAH Science Team meetings and Nicholas and his partners did great at all events they participated in. Noah continued to advance his guitar playing and amazes us with his love of music and classical guitar. With older brother moving out each boy now has his own room as of January 2017 and this was perfect timing as Nicholas is in "teen" mode and spends his study hours in his room while Noah and I continue to enjoy learning together in the play/classroom. Although he is needing less and less one on one time with me.
Our 2016-17 schedule looked like this:

Monday: In home working on subjects music theory in the late afternoons, and Boy Scout meeting in the evenings.

Tues: Math Team most of the day then quickly to Orpheus for private lessons. It's a whirlwind kind of day, Cub Scout Den meetings once a month in the evenings

Wed: AFiN in the mornings and Physics Co-op in the afternoons for Nicholas

Thurs: Science Team mid day and individual team meet ups for studying and labs, Cub Scout meetings once a month in the evenings.

Friday: Free day! Home working on subjects, Coder Dojo, field trips, getting Nicholas ready for his weekend camping trips once a month with BS.

Sat/Sun: I work both days and Dad gets to do his parenting with the boys- they love this time together.

Pictures of our activities for the year:




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