We live, we learn

      Noah at AACNS working hard…    and math is hilarious!

       Writing at Mt. Bonnell……oh the beauty is so close to home.
 LCRA-Homeschool Day '12                                                                        
                                                                                                               Optical Illustion Art

NASA Fieldtrip- Homeschool Day '12

We started our school year in July and have been hard at work since. Our style has changed a few times and as of October we have finally hit the perfect schedule. One of our first obstacles was getting through class early enough for me to prepare for working at 4:30pm M-F but in September that changed to 4:30pm on Fridays and all day Saturday/Sunday. This new scheduled has helped with our weekly routine. The next hurdle was having to driving Noah to school M-F  (on time- 8:30am). Noah loves his teacher, friends, and classroom but he is torn between being home with us and school. I was trying to hold off on "teaching" Noah until January '13 but as this fall has approached he was showing more and more interest in reading, writing, and drawing I gave in and started working with him a few afternoons a week (his best working hours are 2pm-4pm).  Now that we are on a "good for us" schedule I am hoping to keep this blog updated with homeschool adventures, projects, studies and stories.


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